Citywide earthquake drill 2024 San Pablo SPQRT

Citywide Drill 2024: San Pablo Quick Response Team, Always On The Go!

On July 26, 2024, the entire Davao City conducted a Citywide Earthquake and Tsunami Drill with all rescue groups, including those from barangays, private and public sectors, and parishes. This city-wide drill will help determine if the city has a well-trained and organized Camp Management Team, also known as the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Team.

Enoc, Gwendy La Mae, known as ArkoMed 140 of the group, states, “The city-wide drill is a type of simulation where people practice what to do in case of potential calamities.” She also mentioned that this drill is conducted every July with different scenarios. Last year, in July 2023, the simulation focused on flooding and how bystanders, rescuers, and officers from various sectors would react. “This is also relevant to the group (SPQRT), as rescue volunteers need to know what to do. We are the ones who help and assist people, so it is better to know where to go, what to do during the calamity, and where our evacuation areas are, as well as the places that could possibly be hit by a tsunami,” she further elaborates.

Furthermore, the team wants to raise awareness among the public about the importance of these simulations. These yearly activities should not be taken for granted by children and youth, as they help them understand the importance of being knowledgeable before a calamity occurs rather than after it has passed.

Lastly, the success of the drill is evident in the number of participants. The team’s quick response, along with other groups from barangays, private and public sectors, and parishes, was demonstrated by their swift and efficient care and their efforts to ensure people listened to them. (Sophia Beatrice V. Sison | SPQRT Rescue-Volunteer)

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