REMASE is now Sixty

On July 11, 2024, the Saint Francis Xavier Regional Major Seminary of Mindanao (REMASE) celebrated its 60th founding anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass. The Mass was presided over by the Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, D.D., Archbishop of Davao, marking a significant milestone in the seminary’s history.

Among the notable attendees was Monsignor Edgar Rodriguez, who first came to REMASE in 1964 as a third-year theologian. Now 82 years old and having served 58 years as a priest, Monsignor Rodriguez reflected on his journey and the importance of self-discipline in life. He stated that we are the ones who decide for ourselves and our lives depend on our decisions. It’s important to know that we are where we are because of our decisions, he emphasized. He also urged seminarians and the faithful to learn from their mistakes and to grow from them, underscoring the importance of prayer alongside discipline.

In his homily, Archbishop Valles wore a vestment he donned during Bishop Abel’s ordination six years ago, symbolizing continuity and tradition. He spoke of his early days at REMASE, likening himself to a witness to the institution’s biblical origins. He recalled seeing Archbishop Clovis Thibault and emphasized the necessity of the Eucharist in seminary celebrations, stating, that what we have in the Eucharist is the main essence and reason why REMASE existed for 60 years because this is a gift from the Lord.

Archbishop Valles also reflected on the divine guidance in establishing and sustaining REMASE, asserting, “God uses men and women to establish His ways” Archbishop Valles said. Just like the REMASE, people continue making the project alive that God began 60 years ago. He expressed confidence that REMASE would continue to thrive, forming priests according to the heart of Christ, and serving local churches across Mindanao.

Rev. Fr. Rene Ribac, Vice Rector of REMASE, extended his gratitude to all supporters and participants, both in-person and virtual, whose dedication has been essential to the seminary’s journey and accomplishments. “Your unwavering support and loyalty have been instrumental to the success of REMASE,” he said.

Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Retardo, Seminary Rector, highlighted the significance of the year 2024 for REMASE, with monthly activities leading up to a grand celebration from November 11-14, 2024. He stated, “The occasion serves as an opportunity for us to remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.” The celebration’s theme focuses on remembering and thanking those instrumental in the seminary’s establishment and celebrating its 975 graduates, including 120 philosophy graduates and 12 bishops.

The 60th anniversary of REMASE is not just a milestone but a testament to its enduring legacy and the unwavering faith that sustains it. As Archbishop Valles and the seminary community continue to form priests with the heart of Christ, REMASE remains a beacon of spiritual and educational excellence in Mindanao. (Millene Jewel Martiniano | AdDU Intern)

Message of thanks from Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Retardo, Rector

Brothers and sisters in the Lord, good morning.

Year 2024 is significant for us at REMASE, as we celebrate our 60th foundation anniversary. In light of this milestone, we have organized monthly activities that began with a launching event in September of 2023 and will culminate in a grand celebration from November 11-14, 2024; highlighted by the REMASE alumni homecoming.

Today’s event is one of our monthly activities, but with added color, added emphasis. It coincides with the acknowledged date of REMASES’s foundation, or establishment by the PME fathers in July 11, 1964.

Borrowing from the words of Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter, Novo Millennio Ineunte, this occasion serves as an opportunity for us to, I quote, “remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence”, end quote. Inspired by these words of St. John Paul II, we reflect that our theme for today’s celebration, for this year is remembering, celebrating, hoping. Our remembering and celebrating include recalling and thanking those who have been part of REMASE’s establishment and existence. We remember the PME fathers under the leadership of then Bishop Clovis Thibault who envisioned establishing a theology seminary, and this vision became a reality when REMASE began on July 11, 1964 with Fr. Paul PME as the first rector. REMASE was under the administration of the PME fathers from 1964-1976. From 1976-1993 the responsibility for administering REMASE was transferred to the Society of Divine Word or SVD. With Fr. Vicente Braganza serving as the first SVD rector. In 1993, last SVD rector of REMASE Fr. Antonio Pernia, SVD passed the leadership to Fr. Romulo Valles, the first diocesan rector at REMASE who is now our archdiocesan bishop, Archbishop of Davao. In 1997, Fr. Romulo Valles was ordained as the new Bishop of Kidapawan and Fr. Julius Tonel who is now Archbishop of Zamboanga succeeded him as the rector. He was followed by Fr. James Aguo of Basilan on 2002. Then, by Monsignor Abel Apigo who is now the Bishop of Mati. And finally by yours truly.

Since 1964, REMASE has already produced 975 graduates, that excluding the 120 philosophy graduates. Usa na didto si Archbishop Muloy. And out of which, out of these 975 graduates, 12 have been given the gift episcopacy. Dose, isa ka dosena ang na obispo from REMASE.

Our remembering and thanking also extend to all that one way or another have been part of REMASE’s existence. Either as recipients of our service, apostolate, ministry, or as generous benefactors whose resources have contributed significantly to REMASE’s journey and mission of forming future priests. That is why we the REMASE fathers and the whole REMASE family with the endorsement of the bishop’s commission headed by Archbishop Valles, have decided to celebrate this milestone of REMASE by inviting all of you.

Let me then reiterate what Fr. Rene Ribac had already mentioned our heartfelt gratitude for responding positively to our invitation. We consider your presence today, not only as joining us in this thanksgiving celebration, but also as your expression of your support for the formation of priests. Hoping characterizes our celebration, it is our hope that REMASE will continue to remain faithful to its vision. To offer to those called by the Lord to serve as shepherds of the people of God whose hearts are configured to the heart of the good shepherd Jesus Christ.

We also hope that you continue to support us with your prayer and with all the capacity and resources that God has provided you with. Certainly, REMASE will not reach this point without the significant support of people like you who generously share their blessings with us. It is also our hope that we can reciprocate your generosity in any possible way that would glorify the Lord.

Finally, our remembering, celebrating, and hoping are directed to God. As we remember and thank the people and events contributing to who and what we are right now we are ultimately led to call God’s wonderful works and abiding presence. It is not so much on our human efforts, our endeavor that counts, primarily it is God’s grace, God’s presence, God’s love that has made us reach this far. This also leads us to unceasingly thank the Lord as everything comes from his generosity. Hoping may God sustain our hope to move forward faithfully carrying out the respective roles God has entrusted to us despite the various challenges we may encounter along the way. God’s abiding presence of love should make us confident to continue hoping. As the Psalmist say in Psalm 33:22 “Let your steadfast love oh Lord be upon us even as we hope in you.” Once again brothers and sisters thank you very much for celebrating with us today and for your unending support. May our blessed mother Mary, Xavier our patron saint, St. Benedict the memorial we celebrate today and all the saints, always intercede for us in forming future shepherd of God’s flock according to the heart of Christ. Pastores secundum Cor Christi. Salamat.

Message of thanks from Rev. Fr. Rene Ribac, Vice Rector

Maayong buntag sa tanan and happy 60th founding anniversary of REMASE. Since it is already 60 years, it means you already enjoy now 20% discount of sinfulness. A discount from your income in REMASE.

On behalf of REMASE, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you who graced the occasion of our 60th anniversary celebration, and contributed to its resounding success. I would like to mention those men and women who are used by God as mentioned by our Archbishop in his homily.

First of all, I would like to extend our gratitude for archbishop for presiding over this mass. He is not just our Archbishop, but the Chairman of the bishops commission of the Regional Major Seminary.

Also to Bishop Abel our former rector, and who is also the responsible person for organizing this men and women who is also touched by God to help REMASE in so many capacities; the friends of REMASE, thank you bishop for celebrating with us.

And for the Davao clergy, many of the Davao Clergy signified to come. Both those who belonged in the old and new testament. Thank you very much.

And of course, we also have our religious brothers, priest brothers we have with us, of course the SVD; headed by our old testament person Fr. Reiner, SVD. We have the OSB fathers, we have the SDV, we also have CICM brother and priest and OSB father. We also have religious brothers and sisters from the OSB, they’re also celebrating their fiesta. We have the Sacred Heart brothers, our neighbors, Alexian brothers. We also have Carmelites, I see some Carmelite brothers. We have religious sisters, we have the RVM, we have the CB sisters, we have the Dominican sisters, AB sisters, we also have the Franciscan, SFIC sisters, DLGC sisters, TDM sisters, and the PM. They are not yet around because this is still AM. They will be with us this noon time. So, thank you very much for coming over.

We have our friends of REMASE. So special thanks to the friends of REMASE. Another religious sisters, friends of REMASE since 2010, they are helping us. So, thank you very much for your presence.

We also have the DADITAMA and KIDMACO seminarians together with Ms. Ina, thank you. We have Mr. Bryan, our team from Spirit FM, with their director and personnel who are taking care of the documentation and the live coverage.

To all the visitors present, and those who are virtually celebrating with us through FB live, thank you very much. Your presence, support, enthusiastic participation added immense value to the event. Making it truly memorable, and special. Your dedication and commitment to our institution over the years have played a pivotal role in shaping our journey and accomplishments. As we look back on 60 years of excellence, growth, and shared experiences we are reminded of the strong bond that unites us all. Your unwavering support and loyalty have become instrumental in our success and we are deeply thankful for your continued partnership. Happy 60th anniversary to our cherished institution. May we continue to give thanks for 6 decades of growth, success, and memories. Cheers to many years more. Happy anniversary to everyone and thank you very much for all those who are still used by God and willing to be used by God to support this mission entrusted to us.

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