Christ Crucified by Diego Velázquez Christ Crucified by Diego Velázquez

Reflections on the Fourteen (14) Stations of the New Way of the Cross (Part 3 of 3)

Tenth Station – The Forgiven Thief

The prayer of the New Way of the Cross is a favorite prayer especially during the time of Lent. What stands out of reflection when we are concentrating on the suffering and resurrection of Christ is the forgiveness of the thief. How blessed is he who was crucified with Jesus to be instantly forgiven and promised heaven! Automatically when this is meditated on by us, it brings us to our own lives, too. How many times have we offended God in our lifetime? Definitely, for seniors, this is thousands of times. There are 365 days in a year. In 60 years, how many days are these? And every time we sin, if there is contrition and restitution, God forgives us! How kind He is.

God, knowing the psychology of the human being therefore would like to kindle in us the hope for His immense kindness to forgive. Is it not a great blessing to be forgiven so many thousand times in our lifetime? We then should never falter in trusting the Lord’s forgiveness. We carry the cross, then we fall because of human weakness, then we rise no matter how equally painful it is, then walk on again until the final destination is reached.

Jesus, our Lord, has forgiven the thief. It is true. It is a station of the Cross. He will always forgive us no matter how big our sin is, just repent and restitute, if needed. This is the advance resurrection story!

Eleventh Station – Mary and the Beloved Disciple at the Foot of the Cross

Once in a while in our thinking “fast forward”, we may already entertain ideas about how we die and praying that God would grant our wish. One of these is to have the closest to us at the moment of death.

Whenever I speak about the death of my husband 34 years ago, I smile. Others may find it puzzling why I smile remembering his death. It is because I was with him during his death at the emergency room of a hospital. Isn’t it a great grace that I was with him? He was working in a town 160 kms. away from Davao City at a time when the roads were not yet concrete. I visited him that Sunday without any inkling he will die so suddenly of cardiac arrest. What a grace to be with a loved one when this death happens.

And here we have Jesus with Mother Mary and John, His beloved apostle with Him. Mother Mary must be wreathing in anguish on the painful sight of her Son. Many mothers, including my mother-in-law say that it is better for the Lord to take their life ahead of their children. This may also be in Mother Mary’s mind. This hanging must be so painful for John also, known to be so beloved by Jesus.

Jesus entrusted John to Mary and also entrusted Mary to John. This being a station of the Cross tells the significance on how Jesus wants us to love and trust Mary as our Mother, too. If He loved her so dearly, we must honor her by loving her much the same way we love our own mother. We imagine how long had Mary and Joseph physically lived with Jesus and provided Him with all the care of the ideal parents. Devotion to Mother Mary and St. Joseph is but proper and desirable and pleasing to the Lord. We will remember what You said, Lord, because a dying person talks only of important truths that which He said to John and Mother Mary.

Twelfth Station – The Death of Jesus

Jesus hanged on the cross for 3 most agonizing hours. My Lord and my God, you suffered intense and excruciating pain for 3 long hours. The pain on the hands and feet even when the cross may be lying on the ground is already so painful. How much more pain is added as you are hanging with your body pulled down by gravity. We could even hardly think of it since the reality is beyond what an ordinary person could take. Knowing that our sins caused you to suffer, we cannot forgive ourselves except with your grace.

When my husband was pronounced dead, how I wanted to think it was not true. But I was there holding him still warm. I have to keep on telling myself, “Accept it, accept it. The children need you. Remember one of you may die ahead of the other. Now it is happening. Have you not prepared for this, too?”

Dear Lord Jesus, this is the climax of your earthly life which pains us. Your death must always remind us to be ready for it, as you were ready for it even when most painful. You also remind us that earthly life is a combination of joy and sorrow which must be traversed daily, thanking the Lord for the joy it brings and also thanking Him for the learning from the weaknesses and sorrows which could make us stronger in spirit and body.

Thirteenth Station – Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

Many times I say that we might be safer than the followers of Christ at His time because we have seen countless affirmations on the reality of His earthly existence and of His divinity.

During His time, for Him to be undergoing His passion and dying on the Cross is just the opposite of what the life of a messiah is. The Pharisees, the Scribes, the soldiers and the other unbelievers are a threat to the followers of our Lord. Did the followers bury Him in secret and in hiding? Were they also doubting a bit that He will stay in the tomb like others who die? These are distressing questions which can cause anxiety among followers. We do not ask these anymore. We know Jesus is Lord. He will resurrect at the 3rd day. How blessed are we with this assurance!

Fourteenth Station – The Resurrection of Christ

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Christian spirituality is anchored on the belief in the resurrection of Christ and subsequently in the resurrection of the human beings after the earthly death. Since we believe in a God who is not only just but is also compassionate and kind, this could lead us to believe in the life hereafter where there is all bliss in seeing God face-to-face in beatific vision. In the teaching of our Lord, resurrection was repeated so many times. Our countless martyrs living lives of goodness and truthfulness were willing to give up their earthly lives looking forward to be in paradise with the Lord.

Even with the Lord, he showed His traits as a human person like appearing to those close to Him. The angel told Mary Magdalene of His resurrection. She was a close friend, who, in turn, told others about it making the apostles leap for joy. The resurrection gave greater strength for us to overcome our sufferings knowing that the good will be rewarded. The resurrection should also give us greater resolve not to sin so that we will be eternally in bliss in heaven in the presence of God, in the beatific vision of the Lord, all beauty.

The sublime and eternal bliss of being with God will not need anymore the earthly happiness we have – no more love of husband and wife, no more of family members, of friends because all those fall below the final love of them all, the pure love of God who is eternally adored and glorified!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

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