LOGO Synod 2021 2023

National Consultation on Synodality: An Experience (Part 4)

DaDiTaMa Quarterly Meeting, Diocese of Tagum
September 19-20, 2022

The Experience: Inspiration And Hope

1. “MODUS VIVENDE ET OPERANDI OF THE CHURCH” (Preparatory Document, 10)

It was very clear at the national level of consultation that “Synodality” (Diocesan, Metropolitan, National Levels) is an invitation to re-embrace the reality of what the Church is and on how she lives and operates today.

It was an experience that led us to discern on how the Church listens today as she has been listening since before. Particularly discerning on where the Holy Spirit has been working in the life of the church.

The National Consultation was an event that told us that it was not just a gathering simply to gather and write synthesis paper BUT it is about re-expressing what is Church and on how it operates today through participation, communion and mission.

2. “Every synodal process, in which the bishops are called to discern what the Spirit is saying to the Church, NOT by themselves BUT by listening to the People of God, who ‘shares also in Christ’s prophetic office’ (LG. 12), is an evident form of the ‘journeying together.” (PD, 14)

The National Consultation led us to realize of the marvels the Lord has shown to the Church and to His people but perhaps we might have forgotten or missed in recognizing and listening. For example, the richness of the liturgical celebrations and of the sacraments, the collaboration and participation of those in the peripheries, in the practices that inspired growth in spirituality and communal life of the faithful and the like.

3.“The purpose of the Synod, and therefore of this consultation, is not to produce documents, but “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to be nourished, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another, and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands.” (PD, 32)

While listening to the metropolitan reports and listening to companions during the table group sharing, this led me to feel of the situation of the People of God (Sentire Cum Ecclesia), led me to think of what concrete actions we could do here in our local dioceses, led me to realize that we need to be there with the people who are so thirsty of the presence of God in their midst.

The experience also led me to be conscious again of our mission, as priests, pastoral directors and coordinators of different apostolates to shepherd God’s people according to their needs in our local dioceses.

This shall be done by re-awakening our sense of participation and mission, by re-establishing and strengthening our sense of communion with the people especially to those in the periphery and in the margins, and by re-creating an atmosphere in the Church where charity would become an ecclesial experience.

4. The Walk to Emmaus: “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the Scriptures to us? (Luke 24:13-34)

The road to Emmaus is an invitation for us to listen to the signs of the times, where Jesus is accompanying His people. The national Consultation was a Pentecost event that re-awakened the hearts and minds of the participants and because of this, like the two disciples going to Emmaus, the participants were able to say, “were not our hearts burning within us…”.

5. “Sentire Cum Ecclesia” (To think and to feel with the Church)

This is our DADITAMA Metropolitan Motto. All the activities during the National Consultation from day 1 to day 4, brought the participants to think sincerely and to feel sensitively and affectionately the Church.

The ways forward that we stated in our Metropolitan Report and shared at the National level are common and have given us the same inspirations and hope. We bring these into action!

(Rev. Fr. Edilberto R. Mahinay)

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