editorial indigenous peoples

Indigenous Peoples

Today’s celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Sunday invites us to deepen our appreciation of their culture. We have to learn a lot from them, especially in the way they care for God’s creation and nature. Since they find life in the endowments of the Creator in the land where they live, they are sensitive to the whisper of nature. Some of us have not heard this since we live in the highly urbanized noisy cities.

We also need to respect them just as we wish to be respected. Like everyone of us, their looks, color, attire, language and ways of doing things are but just the externals. They are just “accidents” for which everyone of us do not have choice when we were born. But deep inside them is also a soul that longs to be loved and knows how to love.

Our support for the Church and government programs for them would surely help sustain the good intentions of each one of us. We pray that the good Lord who created us all may touch our hearts to help them find sustenance in the goodness of their culture.

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