How did God’s Light Shine Through the Darkness of the Covid Pandemic?

The year 2020 will be remembered as a year of challenges. No one was spared from the pandemic – young and old, rich and poor, males and females. We were all on the same boat but our reactions to the stress brought about by these trying times were different. Yet, the past year gave all of us new perspectives as we continually deal with our losses. Indeed, everything is grace.

The Davao Catholic Herald, through the efforts of DCH columnist Dr. Nelson Magnaye and Sofia Barimbao (Member, GKK Youth Media Team of St. Mary of the Perpetual Rosary Parish), asked six of our readers to share with us their thoughts on the question: How did God’s Light Shine Through the Darkness of the Covid Pandemic?

Pediatrician-Child Neurologist of San Pedro Hospital
55 years old

Gilda Fernandez-Agbisit

When this pandemic began my anxiety also started to kick in. Many questions kept bugging my mind. Questions like “What if I or my family gets infected? What if I will not be able to work again?” and many more. With these in mind, I think only a superwoman would not cry.

Then I realized there is nothing I can do about it but to pray. I reminded myself how God answered my prayers in the past the way He knows what’s best for me .It was then that I surrendered everything to God, through constant and sincere prayers with my family.

So when my eldest brother in Manila got infected with Covid I lifted everything to Him. I asked for blessings of healing, blessings of people to help us, blessings of guidance for the hospital staff, financial blessings, and gift of love for my brother. Yes, these prayers were all answered perfectly.

Now it’s been 16 months since this pandemic started. It hasn’t been exactly easy but the positive realizations have been heart-warming. My light through this darkness was my faith shining through my past experiences of answered prayers.

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Part-Time Faculty
Ateneo de Davao University
21 years old


My COVID-19 pandemic experience was at its darkest during the last semester of my college life. Given our low-income situation, finishing college on time was the only thing I could do to help, even when it seemed impossible. My anxiety clouded my faith, demotivating me from making progress in my solo thesis during the day and keeping me up at night. However, a week before my graduation, hope slowly broke through the overcast. I defended my very crammed thesis and (Glory to God!) it was accepted by the panel. On top of that, despite giving the bare minimum in my academics during that semester, I was unexpectedly included in the Dean’s List!

This experience showed me what Blessings by Laura Story meant: “What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you’re near?” Finally, I graduated college; and now, I am happily employed in the same university as a part-time faculty. Indeed, God is ever-present in our lives, especially during these trying times. Let us put our trust in the Lord for His Word is true: “The pain you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” (Romans 8:18)

Psychology Department, Part-time Faculty
Ateneo de Davao University
22 years old


Throughout both our Catholic and Educational journeys, most have been made accustomed (be it intentional or otherwise) to the idea that God is always “light”. Genesis speaks of God Himself creating light, allowing his creation to bask in a magnificence rivaled only by God’s omniscience. In another instance, the apostle John alludes to God as a “light in the darkness”, piercingly gleaming amidst the stark contrast between glory and gloom. It is of no surprise, then, that most would construe the events of the pandemic as “darkness”.

However, one must not forget the significance of darkness. It is in the darkness of our consciousness that we are able to sleep at night; it is in the silence that sound can reverberate; it is in the dark shade that we find shelter from the burning sun. During this pandemic, I’ve come to realize that God had deliberately forged me in the silence of this painful darkness. Shackled in the confines of my home, I came to find just how abundantly graced and blessed I actually was: lockdowns turned me to the love my family has always had for me but I always ignored; nationwide strife sparked burning altruism in the front liners and essential workers who continued to work despite it all; wavering faith showed me just how much God had always been calling to me despite my sin and unworthiness. God decided that darkness was what I needed; for, otherwise, I would have been blind to the light that He has always been shining in my life.

Registered Guidance Counselor
39 years old


“No matter how smooth or how rough this day, GOD is with you each step of the way.”

I read these words as I turned to the first page of my journal. It’s been a year since I’ve been stuck here in the province. It’s been around that long since I’ve felt deprived of so many things due to the threat of Covid. The pandemic has taken away my feelings of security, safety, and freedom among other things. These are the things I used to enjoy before this pandemic. Though this may be true in my own context, others are having it much tougher, as Covid has taken away their main source of livelihood, and even the lives of loved ones. It makes me ask: Where is God at this time? Is HE asleep? Is He acting blind and deaf to our prayers and pleas? Why is He allowing these things to happen? Why?

Looking at the sky at night, the moon and the stars shine their brightest in the midst of darkness. They’re still present during the day, but the sun outshines them. A message struck me. It’s as if the answers to my questions were already written in the skies – a light to my dim mind. God maybe allowing the darkness to come, so that the light may radiate through the goodness and generosity of people. It’s God’s way of revealing His glory through people who choose to light candles in these trying times. These people allow God’s light to shine through the goodness of their hearts to help those who are in need. They don’t even need the light of cameras or media to let their good works be known. It simply shines in the midst of darkness. Looking deep within, I may need to let God’s light shine through me. God is definitely with us, no matter how smooth or rough our days or nights maybe. He is with us each step of the way.

Gentleman Farmer
70 years old


To say that the past few days have been filled with uncertainties is an understatement. Dealing with Covid infection is not merely a physical battle but is also a mental and an emotional challenge. What came as a blessing in disguise is how we had to deal with the Covid infection as a family. Given that a few of us were infected, every one of us needed to quarantine and/or isolate; but, despite having to be in different places, we have never felt as united as we are during these times.

What united us more is our common prayer for everyone to be healed. Covid may have brought momentary darkness into our lives but our faith in God and our love for each other were what kept us going amidst all the uncertainties. God has given us the gift of family and having this strong support system was a clear manifestation of God’s light shining upon us reminding us that we never have to fight our battles alone because He is with us.

Certified Public Accountant


Even before the pandemic, I have always felt lost. I’ve been bouncing from different jobs trying to find myself and trying to find that ‘passion’. Honestly I haven’t done anything whole-heartedly in my life. Then came the pandemic which was one of the worst moments in my life. I was jobless, broke and still lost.

I felt that was the best opportunity to know myself more. I always start and end the day with a prayer. It was then and there when I realized that God will always be with us even in the darkest moments in our lives. Through God, I found the best opportunity amidst the pandemic. I developed myself and took time to know myself more – physically and mentally. I have never been more motivated in my life. I will always treasure the learnings that I have through my whole life. With that, I found the light of God amidst the pandemic.”

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