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Fil-Mission Sunday: Mission in life

The Fourth Sunday of July is Fil-Mission Sunday as declared by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Your Davao Catholic Herald asked some friends what they consider to be their mission in life. Here are some interesting replies:

CEO – UGE-PHISSO (Urban Green Energy – Philippine Solar Solutions Inc.)

Life’s been so wonderful! But in our happy married life, Ramon and I were not blessed with children. At some point, I felt devastated, depressed and hopeless. I questioned God, asking Him why, when He knows I love children! But through the years, with a steadfast faith and firm devotion to Mama Mary, I realized why. Things became clearer through the years…that I have a different purpose, that I have a special mission in life. God gave me a little capacity to help others, to assist those in need and to simply be there to support them when all else seem difficult. I know I’ve helped so many people, those close to my heart and even random people, in my little but special ways. It’s truly clear that my mission in life is to let others see the light when things turn dark; to be the pillar of strength for everyone around me…friends and family. And to always proclaim God’s greatness, goodness and compassion while keeping the faith intact. He may not have blessed me and my loving husband with children but He blessed me with what I have that others may not have to be able to help His other children. And that for me gives more meaning to my living.

Vice President for University Relations and Advancement
Philippine Normal University

I have been in the field of education for more or less half of my existence. I have been tussling with many facets of my profession and with this, I am also faced with the constant worry that I am not doing enough to make a mark. I am usually daunted by the question of whether I am an effective teacher and leader. Every time this thought comes to mind, a God-penned reminder will always come my way and manifest in the most mundane of things; it may be words of affirmation from colleagues, positive rapport with my staff, and most importantly appreciation from my students. These are thorough examples of those reminders that keep me on track.

As I carry on with my quest to be a better person everyday, I am firmly hinged to my purpose of staying true to my humble creed of teaching and leading. Despite the hurdles and realities of life, I am certain that I will continue to aspire to inspire.


I firmly believe that a mission is not the end goal, but rather it is a way of life; an everyday routine. With this, I do not say that my mission points to being a successful professional in the future or to have a happy family many years from now. Instead, I have come to certain terms that my mission is to maximize whatever I know and can do at present to empower and serve others.

As cliché as it may sound, I often ask myself “How can I help?” “What can I contribute?” because every day I hear disheartening news about society that includes the struggles of my community. This is no easy mission to fulfill but I would like to use my voice and my privilege to the best of my abilities in order live with, by and most especially for others.

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