Loving our Fathers

This year’s Father’s Day will be on the 20th day of June. Have you thought of a gift or a gesture to give to your father? You still have some time to think and organize a surprise for him.

Fathers play an important role in our lives. Without them we do not exist in this world. With their guidance and discipline we are molded into the kind of person that we are.

My father who passed away five years ago was a loving one. Though, he was separated from us when he was still alive, he never fails to show that he cares. My fondest memories of him was the times that we went to cinemas to watch movies. Also, those moments that we watched the concerts of his favorite artist were the times that I fondly remember him.

Likewise, I looked up to my late husband who was also a good father to my children. He instilled in my daughters the importance of studying. Though he passed away when my children were still in their elementary days, they remained to be studious through the years until now that they are already in their college years. He was their first teacher being an educator himself.

Human as we are, fathers are not perfect. They are bound to make mistakes. Sometimes they experience difficulties in their day to day lives and had a bad day. It is on such times that we should understand them. We should love them not only during good times but also during bad times.

On the other hand, aside from our human father there is another father who also cares for us, that is God the Father. In one of the homilies I’ve listened to, the priest shared this thought from Pope Benedict XVI who said that we are created and thought of by God and that we are not a casual product of evolution. By that we are created with a purpose and despite some of the challenges in life, God is always there for us. We are truly loved by God and we should be grateful to Him. The fact that we are still alive amidst this pandemic only showed that we are protected by God the Father.

As this year is dedicated to St. Joseph, husband of Mary and earthly father of Jesus Christ, may fathers look up to him and make him an inspiration in doing their role as a significant leader of their family.

Let me share with you below a prayer for fathers that was posted at xavier.edu:

A Prayer for Christian Fathers

Heavenly Father,
you entrusted your Son Jesus,
the child of Mary,
to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers
as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom,
tenderness and patience;
support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ our rock and defender.

– Author Unknown

When a father speaks, may his children hear the love in his voice above all else.”- Amy Hoover

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