Pit Senyor Santo Nino editorial

Pit Senyor

Pit Senyor Santo Nino editorialIf only we are not in the situation of the pandemic, thousands of people would flock to the Santo Nino Shrine in Matina Hills, here in Davao and in Santo Nino Basilica in Cebu and in some other churches where the Santo Nino is enshrined. Being the first Christian artifact and miraculous for that matter, Filipinos honor the Holy Infant as depicted in this image, so serene and full of trust.

In this time of hardship brought about by the threat of COVID-19, we need more and more to approach the trust and serenity of the Holy Infant. His simplicity and trust in his being so little reminds us of our needed submission to the Father when we seem to be powerless in front of this present crisis.

Let the docility and trust of this little child then be our confidence these days. For the past 500 years we have been gifted with faith. Let our faith be spread by our witness as missionaries wherever we are as Filipino Christians. Pit Senyor!

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