editorial Bible Month

God’s word restores

Taken from Jeremiah 30:17 and 2 Corinthians 5:17, this year’s theme for the National Bible Month celebration throughout January, God’s word restores, is relevant and fitting in this trying time of the pandemic. We need to be restored from the shatters of sickness and death, of lockdown and retrenchment from work, of worries and feelings of uncertainties, of depression and confusion, and the like.

We must be grateful to our leaders, both from the Church and government, for supporting our faith in the healing, uniting and transforming power of God by their Presidential Proclamations (P.P.). Thanks to President Ferdinand Marcos for his Declaration of the National Bible Week celebration number 2242; for President Corazon Aquino for officially moving to January the National Bible Week celebration in number 44; for President Fidel V. Ramos for highlighting the importance of reading and studying the Bible in number 1067; and for President Rodrigo Duterte for the National Bible Month celebration in number 124 and the National Bible Day in the last Monday of January in Republic Act number 11163.

May the word of God we read and reflect, live and share throughout the year restore us from all our moral, physical, social and spiritual brokenness.

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