DCH Shalom

The art of human touch lost in lockdown and social distancing

Lockdown and social distancing are necessary for our safety and survival. We must support them. We must abide by the many social measures and health protocols that they impose on the people.

But they restrict or at least limit an important aspect of human life which basically are for safety and survival. This aspect is socializing, getting together, interacting on many levels of relationship. We call this the art of human touch.

Some gestures of interacting can really be artistic and fascinating. In the liturgy there are the kiss of peace, cross-signing rite, holy anointing, mano po custom, etc.

In social engagements there are the congratulatory embraces and handshakes, pat-on-the-backs, healing touches for the sick, tired body massages, lulling babies to rest and sleep, etc.

These human touches are artistic because somehow they show, more or less evidently or clearly, the elements of beauty. The elements are proportion or balance, harmony, unity and order.

True beauty always attracts, fascinates, does good, captivates, possesses or be possessed. These are summarised in the so-called transcendentals, namely, truth, goodness and beauty.

Anything or anyone that are truthful, good and beautiful reflects and reminds us of God who is Truth, Goodness and Beauty itself. There is truth, goodness and beauty in the human touch. We can only express deep regret – because we cannot do otherwise – its absence in the lockdowns and social distancing.

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