editorial St Baptiste Marie Vianney Sunday featured

Happy Priests’ Day

editorial St Baptiste Marie Vianney Sunday

Today, St. Baptiste Marie Vianney Sunday, we offer our prayers for all priests. St. John Vianney is the patron of priests. He is remembered as the “Cure de Ars” in France, as one who lived being a pastor by spending long hours in the confessional to hear the contrition of thousands of penitents and to grant them God’s pardon.

Having experienced himself the mercy and love of God as he championed his intellectual weakness, he is able to let people feel the compassion of God in their weakness. The difficult formation years he encountered as a priest taught him the patience and understanding of God in the midst of one’s failure.

We need to be confident that in the midst of our sinfulness, God is always ready to forgive us every time we avail of the confessions. Just as we need to ask for God’s patience and understanding, let us pray and learn to understand the shortcomings of our pastors. Knowing how they struggle with the temptation of becoming selfless, may all the baptized also live their universal priesthood by being understanding and have concern for the benefit of others especially in times of crisis.

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