editorial pentecost sunday

Pentecost Sunday

editorial pentecost sunday“Holy Spirit, come and renew the face of the earth.” This is usually part of our prayer when we invoke the Holy Spirit. We believe that He, the Holy Spirit, the love of the Father and the Son, brings about renewal. He changes hearts. He changes people.

In this time of crisis, we talk about change. This change is termed as “new normal.” There is change in the way we appear in public, in our gatherings, when we go out of the house. There is change in the way we observe cleanliness. This “new normal” suggests something different from the way we used to handle ourselves.

Indeed, this external change calls for renewal deep within us. This must become obvious from our outlook and attitude in life to our behaviors and actions. The realizations and learnings during this trying and difficult time should change ourselves for the betterment of our families and society as a whole.

May the Holy Spirit renew each one of us and make us one despite our differences in race, color, status, belief and culture!

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