editorial oplan tabang covid

The Church in Oplan Tabang C.O.V.I.D. 19

editorial oplan tabang covidSince the start of the advisory for people to stay at home for the quarantine, the Church felt the obligation to help those in need. The staff of Archdiocesan Social Action Center (ASAC) led by the Director, Fr. Leonardo Dublan, Jr., are among the frontliners who are silently and selflessly coordinating with the parishes and distributing food packs worth Php 420.00 each to the more than 2,000 families already.

We need to continue to support the Oplan Tabang COVID-19 (Care for Our Vulnerable Indigents In Davao). As mentioned by no less than the Archbishop of Davao and CBCP President in his homily last April 23, “we can slay dragons if the spirit of the risen Christ is in our hearts.” This action of the Church complements the hard work of our city government in doing the same distribution of assistance to our poor people in the barangays.

In this difficult and trying time, the Church’s action must be visible in caring for our indigents. “Let us participate again in our campaign to bringing food packs to our poor families nga naglisod.” This call of the beloved archbishop Valles is for each one of us to get involved since we are the Church.

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