Divine Mercy

caricature editorial divine mercyThe Order of Prayer in the liturgy of the Hours and celebration of the Eucharist for the Dioceses in the Philippines reminds us: “Throughout the world, the second Sunday of Easter will receive the name Divine Mercy Sunday, a perennial invitation to the Christian World to face, with confidence in divine benevolence, the difficulties and trials that humankind will experience in the years to come.”

Confronted with the present crisis of COVID-19, we have witnessed many who do not only feel and trust in the saving mercy of God but also show mercy to others who are in need of material and spiritual support. As we face with uncertainty and fear, a lot of our brethren share what they have to our vulnerable brothers and sisters who have no income these days.

Our Oplan COVID-19, spearheaded by our Archdiocesan Social Action Center, is a witness of this goodness around us. Some of our parishioners also donated in their capacity what can help our indigents these days. Through the daily Masses without the public, many have also offered intentions for healing and safety for whole world.

Jesus, King of Mercy, pray for us!

  • Lizzy
    Posted at 21:54h, 13 September Reply

    I love this depiction of Divine Mercy! Could I use it?!

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