fasting abstinence ash wednesday

Fast and abstinence

fasting abstinence ash WednesdayWhy would we sacrifice something we used to do? Or why should we fast and abstain from things we habitually do?

Our fasting and abstinence during the designated days of Lent – fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstinence from eating meat during Fridays – are a discipline in the Church. This is not for us to suffer and sacrifice for its sake. It is for our own control of the interior life.

By fasting and abstinence, we exercise our decision to refuse pleasure that leads to sin. When we fast and abstain, we give our physical needs a chance to go beyond and allow our spiritual life to grow. By listening to what our spirits desire in front of our material longings and allowing our soul to bear what the worldly wants to ask, we exercise our capacity to live in the heavenly realm.

We must make our fasting and abstinence with joy knowing that in our suffering we suffer with Jesus. Let our sacrifices be our offering of what we have for those who need more. In concrete, this season of Lent, let us not only observe the pious practices that the Church requires but extend our hands for our lowly brothers and sisters.

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