Christ the King editorial

Christ the King

Christ the King editorialThe Solemnity of Christ the King reminds us not only of the closing of the liturgical year but also of the reign of God in our hearts. The calendar of the Church closes with the big Feast of giving glory to Christ as King of the universe. After celebrating the mysteries of His life, passion and death and resurrection, we need to ask ourselves, is Christ now the one who rules my thoughts, words and deeds?

as we have partaken of the threefold mission of Jesus — priestly, prophetic and kingly — our desire to serve with humility must grow. If Christ is our king, deep within us, then our attitude towards others must be characterized by humility. He who did not deem equality with God (Phil. 2:6-11) should impel us to treat others as superior to us. As St. John the Baptist says, Christ must increase and we must decrease.

May Mary, our humble Mother, help us imitate her beloved Son, Jesus, the King of the universe.

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