is there life before death graffiti

Is there life before death?

is there life before death graffitiThis was a graffiti in Ireland during its IRA days. Surrounded and plagued by death and misery, the Irish expressed their poignant cry to be given the chance to live normally.

The same situation is in our midst, the priest in his homily continued. He spoke of a husband who was captured and cruelly mutilated and killed, and later, also the wife.

Those who spoke about the present system are charged with sedition. And so the majority of us are silenced with fear.

When JESUS said (Luke 12:51) “DO YOU THINK THAT I HAVE COME TO ESTABLISH PEACE…? NO, I TELL YOU, BUT RATHER DIVISION,” He meant for us to be affected by what is not right, by what goes against our Christian values.

The world is very sick. It is sick of global indifference. In the last part of his homily, the priest read the prayer “Disturb Me LORD.”

And so again, as all changes must start with self, I look at my heart. And I am disturbed.

I am disturbed by the killings.

I am disturbed by China’s subtle take over.

I am disturbed by the possibility that what is happening in Hong Kong can very well happen here.

I am disturbed by many more.

But more than all the above, I am disturbed by what has become, and what is becoming of me. For what does not personally affect me, I turn a deaf ear, or justify, or look the other way, or keep silent.

It is my hope, and in prayer for the holy will of GOD, that in the face of what is wrong, I, you, us, will speak CHRIST.

TO JESUS BE ALL GLORY! (Bella A. Sarenas)

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