National Pilgrimage of the Youth Cross and Blood Relic of St. John Paul II

In observance of the 2019 Year of the Youth, the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth organized a national pilgrimage – the Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Blood Relic of St. John Paul II.

This pilgrimage hopes to bring God’s love to the young, who are His BELOVED sons and daughters. GIFTED with many blessings, they are EMPOWERED by the Father to actively respond to the call of MISSION.

The pilgrimage was held in the Archdiocese of Davao on July 4, 2019 from the Diocese of Tagum. It was welcomed by a band from Navarro National High School and its students, the Parish Youth Coordinators and the members from St. James Vicariate, the GSLs from St. John the Baptist Parish, students from Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc., DAYCA Core Group and some parishioners.

The rite of acceptance at St. John the Baptist Parish was led by Rev. Fr. Cristopher Alcayde, Youth Director at 10:00 A.M. The opening mass followed after the catechesis at 12:00 NN.

The cross and blood relic was then sent to San Pedro Cathedral for public veneration and holy mass. On July 5, 2019 the pilgrimage continued to Holy Cross of Davao College which was received by Rev. Fr. Russell Bantiles, Vice President for Academic Affairs together with their faculty, staff and students.

After the reception, Way of the Cross, Holy Mass and veneration followed. They were then brought to St. John Paul II College of Davao and received by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Calumpong with students dancing “One Way” together with Dr. April Evangelista, Executive Vice President, faculty and staff. Veneration, film viewing and Holy Mass followed. Then they were moved to St. Francis Xavier Regional Major Seminary. It arrived at around 6:15PM where seminarians lined up with candles that was solemnly received by Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Retardo, Rector. The evening prayer and veneration followed.

The next day, the cross and relic were transferred to St. John Paul II Parish Ula, received by Noel Parado, Sacred Heart of Jesus Vicariate Youth Coordinator together with the youth apostolate of each parish in the vicariate and their youth crosses. Catechesis, veneration, Holy Mass and film viewing followed. Then at 3PM, it was sent back to San Pedro Cathedral for the culmination and send off mass with all the youth from different parishes of the Archdiocese and their parish youth crosses. The veneration and way of the cross followed afterwards.

On July 7, 2019 at 6:30AM, the pilgrimage continued to the Diocese of Digos and was received in St. John Paul II Sub-Parish, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. It was followed by a Rite of acceptance lead by Rev. Fr. Ruel Dessamparado, RCJ, Parish Priest together with the youth from different parishes of the diocese. The pilgrimage continues in the sub region of KidMaCo. (Gie Rhea Jadulco)

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