Lent inside the jails

“Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned”. Thus did the faithful inside the Davao City Jail Annex prayed during the Ash Wednesday mass that was also simultaneously celebrated in the DCJ Female and Main jails last March 6, 2019. The solemn celebration and imposition of ashes on the foreheads of PDLs, BJMP personnel and lay volunteers opened the 40-day observance of Lent inside the city jail. The holy mass was celebrated by Rev. Msgr. Paul Cuison, parish priest of St. Francis of Assisi-Maa to where the Davao City Jail also belongs.

In the homily given by deacon Rev. Marvin del Campo, he explained the deeper meaning of Lent and Lenten practices of fasting, prayer, alms-giving and humble repentance. He advised the PDLs not to be discouraged because, even if they are already inside the jail, it is never too late to repent and return to God. The Ash Wednesday mass was attended by no less than the Warden of DCJ Annex JSInspector Erwin B. Esden and by SJO3 Edwin L. Naidas, Chief of Welfare and Devt.

The Lenten spirit among the PDLs that was begun in Ash Wednesday will be strengthened further through a series of religious activities prepared by the Archdiocesan Commission on Prison Welfare (ACPW) within the 40 days of Lent.

A Lenten Recollection and confession were held inside the Annex Compound last Saturday, March 9, 2019. Facilitated by Bro. Erwin Sayson of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, attendants reflected on the theme of “Taking the Lord as my first CHOICE in all things.” ACPW Chaplain Rev. Fr. Orlando Borres SDB and Rev. Fr. Daruisz Drzewiecki heard confessions from 1pm to 4pm. Lenten recollection and confession for female PDLs facilitated by Bro. Manuel Escuadro and volunteer priests on March 18, 2019 at the Ray of Hope Village Social Hall.

Every Friday of Lent, beginning March 07, 2019 is a meditation on Christ’s Passion through the Way of the Cross inside the jail compound where PDLs alternately carry the big cross while contemplating on the events of Good Friday.

For Holy Week, the solemn observance will begin with the Triduum – Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, Good Friday reenactment of the Passion, 7 Last Words, Veneration of the Cross; Easter Vigil on Black Saturday; and culminate with the traditional Salubong at dawn of Easter Sunday.

The solemn Lenten rites and celebrations inside the jails are made possible through the approval of the BJMP ROXI Regional Director JSSupt. Amelia A. Rayandayan, RPsy EdD., in coordination with the respective wardens of the female and male facilities and in partnership with the Archdiocesan Commission On Prison Welfare headed by Manuel Z. Escuadro. (Marian CarmelaRaquel | ACPW)

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