Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday1. Ash Wednesday is a day of universal fast and abstinence in the Church. Fasting is required from ages 18 to 60, and abstinence is from age 14 (CIC 1252).

2. Today (Ash Wednesday), ashes are blessed and imposed after the homily. These ashes are of palms blessed in the previous Palm Sunday. Apart from Mass, a liturgy of the Word precedes the rite of blessing, concluding with the general intercessions, the Lord’s Prayer, a hymn (see BB, nos. 1656-1678). The ordinary minister for the blessing of ashes is a priest or deacon. Others (e.g. extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion) may assist with the imposition of ashes where there is genuine need, especially for the sick and the shut-ins. One of the following formulas is used:

Repent, and believe in the Gospel.


Remember that you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.

Pastoral Note: The two Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation are appropriate for the season of Lent.

On the ferial days of Lent no obligatory memorials may be celebrated. Those who wish to celebrate an optional memorial during Lent add at Office of Readings the Patristic reading with its response and may conclude with the prayer of the Saint. In the Mass of the day one may say the collect of the Saint.

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