Dealing with life’s trials
ALL sorts of trials can come to us anytime. They are unavoidable. In fact, it would be good if we can already expect them, so we can prepare ourselves for them. We have to learn how to deal with them effectively.
There definitely are human and natural ways to handle these trials, difficulties and challenges in life. But we should never forget that there are times when we could be completely helpless to do something about them. Still, we have to remember that there is always a way out.
What we cannot solve or resolve in our own ways, God always can. And the secret is to follow the example of Christ. In the end, he just bore everything all the way to offering his life on the cross. But he resurrected, and with that he conquered and removed the sting of death, the worst thing that can happen to us.
We have to strengthen our belief that only with Christ, our redeemer, can we bear all the trials of life, find meaning in them and even derive some good from them. With him, there is absolutely nothing to worry, as long as we also do our part.
We need to see very clearly how bearing all our problems and difficulties with Christ can bring us to the best solution. That’s simply because with Christ, our trials and difficulties would not simply have a human solution, but one that can bring us to our eternal destination in heaven.
While we are most interested in finding human and natural solutions to our problems, we should see to it that we are not trapped by that mindset or system alone. We have to learn how to transcend that attitude and enter into the world of our faith, of the spiritual and supernatural dimensions of our life.
God is a father to us all. He has given us everything that we need, especially the ones that we need to gain our ultimate goal in life. He has done this by giving us his Son who became man, Jesus Christ, who continues to be present and alive in our lives, ever helpful to us in our needs through the Holy Spirit.
On this, St. Paul has this to say: “If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him? (Rom 8,31-32)
We need to etch these words indelibly in our hearts so that whatever happens in life, we can manage to feel always secure and hopeful. Let’s remember that as much as possible we should avoid being frozen by some fears and doubts in life.
On the contrary, we need to be confident and bold so that we do a lot of good, we can do the things of God which are always for the good of all men. Irrespective of how the outcome of our good deeds would be, we know that they will do all of us a lot of good.
So we have to learn how to suffer the way Christ suffered. We have to learn how to be patient and to let go of certain things the way Christ was patient and let go of things, like the strict requirements of justice.
Everyday we should take advantage of the many trials and difficulties we meet to learn the art of Christian patience and the value of suffering with Christ.
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