Grace transforms
The call to mission never ends and the heart of a missionary never closes itself off from the opportunities to be the good soil of the growth and sharing in the Good News of God’s love and salvation for his redeemed people. So has been the vocation call of those chosen to follow Jesus more actively in tending his vineyard and assisting in pasturing the sheepfold to remain as a communion of communities, united in mind and heart.
This apostolic initiative nurtures hope for Christian transformation in all sincere hearts, aware of the need to cooperate with grace to overcome sinful weaknesses and walk the way of humble discipleship. Jesus is the “doctor” who imparts his healing graces to those who turn to him. “Healthy people do not need a doctor, but sick people do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners” (Mt 9: 12-13).
To the person of maturing faith, the word of God has power to change the self and humanity through gentle reminders of the truth and continued trust in the saving presence of Jesus who does not leave his missionary disciples alone in the proclamation of the good news of salvation. God is speaking to and through us as we welcome His word and joyfully spread the Good News. “The word of the Lord is trustworthy: it gives wisdom to the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right; they give joy to the heart. They are more precious than gold” (Ps 19: 8, 9, 11).
Thus, the missionary, experiencing inner transformation in word and communion, is not hesitant to meet both neighbor and foreigner to radiate and joyfully allowing the goodness of the Lord shine from hearts that seek to build up the ‘pluri-cultural’ family of God.
Our participation in the saving work of Christ may be considered a form of “productive love” in the spiritual sense. We do not settle for mere personal gain but courageously venture to ‘put out into deeper water’ in the name of Jesus, serving our brothers and sisters in whatever circumstances in life, “conducting yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phil 1:27). In the end, the grace we receive proportioned to our capabilities will bring about the change from evil to good, through the workings of the Holy Spirit.
Indeed by God’s redemptive grace already at work in us who believe, we shall all be ‘Christified’ as we also strive to imitate Mary’s constant attentiveness and obedience to the will of God.
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