Horizons of Hope
The Holy Spirit inspires us with expanding horizons of hope as we celebrate the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise of the Paraclete/Consoler on Pentecost Sunday, after His Ascension. Pope Francis in his message for the [2017] 51st Communications Day (2017 underlined this hopeful truth of the power of the Holy Spirit by which “we can be witnesses and communicators of a new and redeemed humanity even to the ends of the earth” (cf. Acts 1:7-8).
The pope explained that hope “is like the yeast that leavens all the dough…and its weaver is none other than the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.” The Holy Spirit guides us to realize God’s presence in all events of our life and work, and to spread the message of Jesus, the Good News to all we encounter, thus becoming bridges or communicators of God’s love in a wounded, demonic world. Amidst the culture of hatred, revenge and death, the Spirit more strongly calls all to help in building lasting peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Mt 5:7-9).
Wars, conflicts, lives and vocations lost, anger and indifference are not fruits of the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, self-control, chastity (Gal 5:22). But God allows the good and the bad to grow together, and at the end of the world, the evil ones will be cast into eternal fire while the good will enter God’s kingdom enjoy eternal happiness.
Let our passing journey on earth enable us to walk, not as strangers, but as friends in a home where everyone feels welcome. For this to happen, there must be respectful communication with one another. Communication is about listening, that enables persons to actively get things right, journey side by side, share experiences and doubts, and put one’s gifts and talents at the service of the common good. Then the Spirit’s hope will shine more strongly in our hearts and supply the impulse to carry out the work of evangelization, opening new paths to the Kingdom that will gradually extinguish the darkness of a sinful world.
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