Holy Cross College of Sasa History

Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc. was founded through the dynamism and leadership of the PME’ Fathers with the unrelenting support of the parishioners and church workers. The pressing need for a Catholic Education and Evangelization for the young moved them to establish this Catholic Institution of Learning to help educate the youth of Sasa and its neighboring communities.

In 1964, the PME’ Fathers through the Legion of Mary of Sta. Ana Parish and Ms. Monina Rodriguez was able to get a hectare of land donated by by Don Julian and Doña Pilar Rodriguez, the parents of Ms. Monina Rodriguez.

Mr. Vicente Hizon, Jr. who owned a parcel of land adjacent the land of the Rodriguez Family, also donated another hectare of land when asked by the Rodriguez and Msgr. Michaud by making the area into two hectares. They PME’s applied for a secondary school and was named Holy Cross Academy of Sasa.

The Legionaries of Mary started recruiting prospective students in 1966. There were 100 students who enrolled in Holy Cross Academy of Sasa during the first year of operation. Mr. Artemio Solitaria donated three-room one-storey building. Since its construction was still in progress, the Immaculate Conception Chapel served as a temporary classroom for the whole day. Soon, a bigger chapel was erected (the present Fr. Joseph Godbout, PME’ Pastoral Center).

Fr. Joseph Godbout, PME’ managed the school at the start. He was the first School Director from 1966 to 1969. He hired Mrs. Florentina Racho as the first School Principal with two faculty members Mrs. Virginia Merecido and Mrs. Priscila Limbo.

In 1969, Rev. Fr. Richard Vanasse took over the administration up to 1972, then followed by Rev. Fr. George Courchesne until 1974 and succeeded by Rev. Fr. Conrad Lafortune in 1974 to 1978. It was in 1974 that Mrs. Teresita Mancio took over as the School Principal succeeding Mr. Nipolo Sabas in 1974. Then Rev. Fr. Joseph Godbout, PME’ was reassigned as Director in 1978 until 1981. In 1981, Rev. Fr. Donald Bouchard, PME’ became the School Director and was the last PME’ Father to administer the school.

Rev. Fr. Donald Bouchard, PME’ worked hard to improve the school. He worked in line with the congregation’s vision and mission to “build a Catholic Education that would provide, develop and mold the youth of Sasa and its neighboring communities.” The administration separated the school from the parish properties by constructing a fence around it. It was in his time that two alumni answered the call to priesthood; Rev. Fr. Hover Jocson and Rev. Fr. Ricky Flores.

Due to the felt need of Religious Congregation to run the school, Rev. Fr. Donald Bouchard, PME’ requested the Teresian Daughters of Mary through their Bishop-Founder, the late Most Reverend Archbishop Antonio Lloren Mabutas, JCD. DD to manage the school. From then on, the task of educating the youth was entrusted to the TDM Sisters.

In 1982, Sr. Ma. Cristina Cachero, TDM became the first Directress with Rev. Fr. Guy Lamoureux, PME’ as the last PME’ Father Spiritual Director of the School. She was followed by Sr. Ma. Gertrudes Neri, TDM in 1984, then came Sr. Ma. Luz Liza, TDM with Rev. Fr. Hermie Ceniza as the first Filipino Spiritual Director and Parish Priest of St. Joseph Parish Church at the same time. She initiated the construction of a wooden building that housed the administrative office, library and several classrooms.

In 1988 until 1989, Sr. Ma. Charita Galendez, TDM took office as the School Directress. She was followed by Sr. Ma. Lourdes Paclibar who managed the school until 1992 with Rev. Fr. Julius Rodulfa as the School’s Spiritual Director.

In 1991, the school celebrated its Silver Jubilee of foundation. During the Drum and Bugle Competition in Manila, the school was declared a grand champion. It was a great honor for a provincial educational institution to garner such an award.

The advent of Sr. Ma. Cecilia Palomo, TDM in 1992 has changed the way people look at Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Inc. A covered court was constructed to accommodate the students in the sports program. It was this year that a pathway connecting Doña Pilar Road was constructed. The land was donated by the Rodriguez Family.

To respond to the call of integrating technology, Computer and Electronics subjects were incorporated in Technology and Home Economics subjects in 1995 and 1996 respectively. It was also in 1996 that the school began its construction of a concrete three-storey building replacing the old wooden building. By the end of Sr. Palomo’s term, the first floor was in complete form and half of the second floor was already used by the students.

In 1996 to 1997, Sr. Ma. Nena Heramil, TDM took over as the School Directress/Principal, with Rev. Fr. Florencio Acedo as the Spiritual Director. She continued the construction of the second floor. Electronic water pump and reservoir were installed and constructed to provide water supply for the comfort rooms and laboratories in the second floor.

In 1997, Sr. Ma. Lydia Famor, TDM was reassigned to Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Inc. with Rev. Fr. Paul Dagangon as the Spiritual Director. She finished the construction of the second floor and improved the Computer Laboratory by purchasing 30 units of computers. An air conditioned room was prepared for the Campus Ministry Office.

In 2000, Sr. Ma. Evelyn C. Tago-on, TDM managed the school with Rev. Fr. Pedro Lamata as the Spiritual Director. A new office was created, the office of the Coordinator of School Social and Religious Ministries who took charge of the School’s Extension Program and a liaison officer to the parish and all government and non-government agencies.

At this juncture, the administration continued the construction of the third floor of the building. On the 35th Foundation Anniversary of the Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Inc. the third floor of the concrete building was blessed. The Rodriguez’s and the Hizon’s were among the invited guests to witness one of the major infrastructural developments of the school.

The third floor accommodated the Science Laboratory, Function Hall and the Computer laboratory. New equipments were purchased for the Science laboratory, a total of 63 PC units were added to the Computer laboratories. The history of Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Inc. was staged by the Mini-theater Club members at the Covered Court.

In 2005, the administration applied for the opening of a College Department. The courses offered were: Bachelor of Science in Tourism, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management. Three pioneers manned the College personnel. They are Oscar Cervales, Ed.D, Dean of College, Ms. Ligaya Marquez, College Librarian and Mrs. Erlinda Aguilar, College Registrar. At the same school year, the Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Inc. applied for a Sunday school to assist in educating working students who would not be able to attend regular classes. Internet is one of the major facilities installed to serve the clientele.

In 2006, Sr. Ma. Nena Heramil, TDM, replaced Sr. Ma. Evelyn Tago-on, TDM as Directress/Principal. This is the first year of operation of the College Department. At this juncture, the College Department applied for another course, the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management major in Food and Beverage Management.

This School Year 2007-2008, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management is implemented. The Commission on Higher Education upgraded the nomenclature of some of the courses offered. The Bachelor of Science in Commerce has been changed into Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management. These are a now the present courses the College Department is offering.

In School Year 2008-2009, the school applied for the additional courses such as Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in Mathematics, English and Filipino, and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

School Year 2009-2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s approved the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. The amendment of Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws is advent of a new era of hope, setting a new direction for the academic community. This amendment carried two important aspects in the life of the academic community because first, it authorizes a new name appropriate for the present status of the institution operating several programs, the Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc. (formerly Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Inc.) and secondly, it authorizes the institution to operate Technical-Vocational Education and Training program which would help in the technical education of the youth, both the in and out of school youth.

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