Mary Mediatrix of All Graces

Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces: A Timely Revelation in the Philippines

Mary Mediatrix of All GracesWho is Mary? Is she really the chosen among women? What is her role in salvation history? Why do believers hope in her prayers and actions? Why is she doing urgent revelations, reparations? Why does she reveal numerous titles? And, one of these is Mediatrix of All Graces? Yes, and it was revealed in Lipa, Batangas, in the Philippines. What does this revelation mean in the hearts of Filipinos?

The shower of rose petals and not only petals but the whole of rose buds in Lipa, Batangas gave us enormous wonders. Seers and believers who witnessed felt beautiful revelations. Sister Teresita Castillo, a convent nun received messages from Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces acted as medium and her belief in Mary reached far and near places since it had been recognized by the local church of Lipa.

Mediatrix according to Webster’s Dictionary means one who mediates. Mary mediates between man and God. True, if we recall the words of Jesus “Woman behold your son, Son behold your mother,” this has something to say in the revelations given to Sister Teresita. Sister Teresing as her close friends usually call her shared truths about Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces not just in her community but to everybody who seeks for the truth regarding the heavenly revelations to humanity. Her collaborative efforts inspired the Filipino Faithful since the very first time they engaged at the site where miracles happened.

Blessed Mary plays a vital role as important intercessor, co-redemptrix, collaborator and a “special daughter” of the Father. Through her the holy Trinity bowed down and lived within her, the very vessel of divine act in a human soul. Her fiat commenced the new hope, new act of reparation, new face of the planet earth as the footstool of the Almighty God. Through her love towards the Father, the Beloved Son through the power of the Holy Spirit was made into flesh. The incarnation of Jesus during the first Christmas in Bethlehem moved the three Wisdom driven Kings of the Far East — Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar. Herod, the Roman ruler told the Wise Men that he wanted to worship too if they will tell him where the newly born king is. The Three Wise Men did not return to him.

Obedient Mary is the second Eve who obeyed and sacrificed in the name of peace, kindness, humility and knowledge. She knew from the very start that victory is in God for her soul magnifies the Lord Who made heaven and earth. She is a Lady clothed with the sun. She trampled down Satan in a form of a snake. Her Immaculate Conception title depicts the meaning that her purity humbles down a sinful one.

On her fiat (yes to God) the whole human race and the vastness of God’s kingdom rejoiced with awesome joy moving the very bosom of the Almighty Father. She grabbed the title Queen of heaven and earth when she accepted the offer. She became the Mother of the Beloved Son of the King of Heaven. Well, the fight goes on daily. She does what is due to her legions. Yes, the legions of Mama Mary flourishes in this world. They love Mary unconditionally.

Mother Mary’s mediation knows no bound. Her collaboration, obedience produce unspeakable changes in the history of creation. What a blessing to planet earth and the citizens dwelling on it. By virtue vested in her empowered Marians to follow her without hesitation. 101% obedience in Mary is winning the game of salvation. The success of Mary is the success of many. And, we Filipinos thank her for choosing Lipa as her chosen place of revelation of the title ‘MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACES’. THIS IS THE GREATEST GIFT TO ALL OF US FILIPINOS.

By this privilege shared to Filipinos, what is now our chance to be the vessels of all graces brought to Lipa? Is it a challenge or a grace by itself? If it is a challenge to change for God, then this grace will win us to achieve what God had promised for all of us—eternal, glorious, immaculate life!

Mother of all graces pray for us sinners, help us perpetually, bring us to the heavenly throne as soon as possible. May your fiat be our yes too! (Joe Marie H. Cordero, MARE)

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