Baby Jesus Christmas Nativity

“The First Christmas: The Savior is Born in a Stable!”

Baby Jesus Christmas NativityThe Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC # 225) states that “Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor family. Simple shepherds were the first witnesses to this event. In this poverty heaven’s glory was made manifest.” This is how it was when the Savior was born. It was simple devoid with the glitters of extravagance. He came to save His people but it seemed that He could not find any decent place when He came in our midst. The all-powerful Savior showed His way of saving His people. It was not in a blatant display of political power but it was in embracing the humble way. He chose to be in a manger and He welcomed His first adorers — the lowly shepherds.

Christmas celebration should always bring home the message of joy and simplicity. It is joy because in our midst our Savior is born. This is the greatest message of all times that our Savior came to be with us. Everyone should feel the joy, rich and poor alike, that it is Christmas once again.

To be happy at Christmas does not necessarily mean that we have to spend more and to have much in this holiday season. Remember the first Christmas, it was all so simple and so serene. In the simple stable the joy of the shepherds was beyond measure when they saw and then worshipped the Baby Jesus. St. Luke in his gospel account (Lk. 2: 13-14) described this happiness when he said,

“The angel and the throngs of hosts of heaven, praising God with the words,
glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace for those He favors!”

Nothing can prevent us in celebrating the real essence of joy at Christmas. You may be experiencing financial hardships but still Christmas should still be meaningful. One should remember that Jesus chose to be poor just to be with us and so poverty should not make us miserable. Instead we strive to improve with the Lord’s blessings.

For those materially blessed, you can add a deeper meaning to Christmas by sharing your blessings. This is the best way where we can tell the world that Christmas is happiness for all because a Savior is born. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

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