Christ The King

Feast of Christ the King

Christ The KingThe people of Israel wanted a king for themselves just like their neighboring countries. The Lord respected their desire and history tells us that generally, the kings gave them not relief but misery. Inevitably, the already divided kingdoms of Israel became a sore thing of the past, just memories.

Temporal matters weigh down on us every day and we tend to look for a standard that can give and define the true meaning of our existence or at the very least, an escape from this morass. Spending long hours on the internet, body care as the top priority, and pursuit of money… clearly, these endeavors are insatiable.

Truth to say, the Church tells us that we are truly wired to God. We only need to begin with an attempt to eternity, a prayer, which of course requires faith. Here, we discover again what the Church has been consistently proposing for centuries, that Christ is King, the answer to our deepest longings, He who never abandons us, ever faithful.

Let us celebrate this great feast with firm, heroic and generous resolutions to our King. For millions of students, perhaps a short visit to a chapel or church after a grueling exam as a sign of thanksgiving; for families, a big “Yes!” to go to Mass despite a heavy downpour. Our Blessed Mother stayed at the foot of the Cross when most of Christ’s followers ran away! Who is our King? Christ.

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