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Social Media on People Today

Facebook logoMost people nowadays do not have any trouble logging in to every social media account. From the day it was made to email addresses and passwords everything was remembered; nothing was ever forgotten.

People always had the time to tweet what they were doing, update their emotions on Facebook and broadcast explicit videos on YouTube but never made a time even just for a minute to give thanks to the Almighty Father that they were still breathing. They forgot to pray; most prefer the company of their lost-soul friend and worse get ashamed to go to church. People of today’s generation had gone insane. Noble deeds of Saints had been forgotten and replaced by atheist’s thoughts confusing the faith of Christian believers. In fact, some started to question the legalization of Jesus as our Savior.

Famous celebrities had their eyes and ears to spread their ‘own version of good news’ that mostly led to fan war, exchanging inappropriate words and censored images and videos. Do we think these are what we need? Sore eye bags and sleepless nights in exchange for an hour of church attendance?

The Catholic Church is not a school of saints; it is the school of sinners who seek themselves in the arm of our Savior. That man inside the church could be a rapist, a murderer, a drug lord, or a serial killer; why were you ashamed? When you think the church had got to forget you, you are mistaken. They never forget us; it is ourselves who just think they did. When you think He made us suffer, He never did. We let ourselves suffer; we neglected all His blessings in disguise in trade of earthly happiness.

Social media today has gone too far to influence the mind of Christian believers. This put a gap between the connections of the people to the church. Yet, since we have our freedom of choice, we should not forget our responsibility to the proper use and practice of social media. Because what we do today will also be our tomorrow. (Kieth Ivonne G. Alvarando | Matanao)

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