
Men of the Scripture: Jacob

JacobJACOB — His name means “He grasps the heel,” figuratively, “He deceives.”

His Work: He was an indentured servant of his uncle Laban for fourteen years. He was also a herdsman.

His Character: Jacob had learned the art of cunning and deception which was encouraged by his mother. He had stolen the paternal blessing from his older brother. He was forced to run away as the consequence of his misbehavior.

His Sorrow: After seven years of hard labor (as payment for Rachel), Jacob was deceived by Rachel’s father, Laban. He was forced to work seven years more. During the years, he had learned firsthand what his own deception had brought on his brother. Later in his life, he thought he had lost his son Joseph by an attack of a wild animal.

His Triumph: His reconciliation to his brother Esau was one of the great moments in Jacob’s life. At the end of his life, he had recovered another relationship which appeared to have been lost forever — his finding of son Joseph who was not only alive, but who is very successful already in Egypt.

“May God give you of heaven’s dew and of earth’s richness—an abundance of grain and new wine.” (Genesis 27:28)

That is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest in your salvation in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15)

Legacy in the Bible: Genesis 28:10-22

Reflection: God allows everyone of us to make our own choices. But Jacob had chosen deceit, rather than trust in getting what he wanted. Let us give thanks to the Lord for keeping His promises.

Dear Lord, help us to seek and see your presence in our daily lives. Guide us to rest in the confidence that You can take care of us far better than we can take care of ourselves. Please, give us the faith to set aside some of these blessings so that we can give them back to you. Amen. (Edgardo R. Sara)

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