
Men of the Scripture: Noah


NOAH – His name means “to rest”.

His work: Before he had heard the voice from God, we don’t know yet what he did for a living. But, after he had encountered with God, he became a successful carpenter.

His character: He was really a righteous person, obedient, and faithful servant.

His Sorrow: Amidst of his admonitions and warnings, he was unsuccessful to convince his neighbors, friends, and even his extended family to repent resulting all of them to be drowned in the flood.

His Triumph: His faithful obedience saved not only his own life but also the lives of many, his wife and children.

Promise: “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth”. – Genesis 9:16

Legacy in the Bible: Genesis 6:8-9

Reflection: The best wish that I have implanted in my heart is praising God. Our father is using His followers to accomplish His very purpose in heaven and on earth. We offer thanks for His mercy towards us, human race. We also ask for forgiveness for the many times that we care more about what the world thinks of us than what God thinks. We humbly ask Him to show us what it means, not just to follow a set of laws, but to dearly love Him, to clearly see Him, and to follow Him throughout the days of our lives. Amen. (Edgardo R. Sara)

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