Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

A Friend in Him

Jesus and the Samaritan WomanAS a child, I was never good at socializing. Yes, I had friends but there were very few of them. I really thought they were true, but then one day, something hit me.

All of a sudden, I felt like everyone was against me, ganging up on me. I was bullied and backbitten by almost everyone else and even the ones who I thought were my real friends.

I didn’t know what was wrong. Was it my fault? Do they really hate me this much? I had no one to tell my problems to and that was when I heard God speak to me. He was the only one I shared this problem with. I cried to Him almost every night, asking for His help and guidance. And praise be to God for even in my saddest days, when I thought I had no crying shoulder, He was there, always ready to hear me and cheer me up. He was always by my side guiding me and walking with me every step of the way.

With God’s guidance and a gallant effort made by me, I ignored all their opinions for I know in myself that the most important opinion that I needed was from Him. And that whatever everyone else says is just a matter of opinion and not a fact. Whatever they see is just a matter of perspective. (Jans Ariane S. Jumawan | CFC-Youth for Christ, Digos)

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