RANDY WHO? —- When the name RANDY HALASAN surfaced in the media earlier this week  as one of the international awardees of the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Awards Foundation for 2014,  many a curious and surprised Dabawenyo started looking him up and finding out: Randy who?
REMOTE AND FAR — Well, Randy Halasan is  a simple 23-year old  head teacher at a far-flung and remote Pegalongan elementary school in Marilog district, about 7 hours away from downtown Davao city  by bus, “habal-habal”, by foot — crossing the two usually flooded Simod and Davao rivers. It is a place  our indigenous Matigsalugs consider their world and their home. There, Randy spent his time and skills helping the pupils and even promoting livelihood programs for the IPs.
MORE RANDYs — It may be good for the city to honor Randy this  August during  Kadayawan. It is not only to recognize him alone but also to honor the many other countless,  nameless and unknown  modern day heroes who give their lives for the underprivileged, the lowly and the needy. For sure, there are many other Randy’s out there who quietly work for the sake of others.
HARDER TIMES AHEAD — Although I am writing this column early during this week, I hope by the time this newspaper hits the streets on Sunday,  the 10-day meeting at the Waterfront Insular hotel between the MILF and the GPH panels shall have ended with some positive progress.  Otherwise, no one should walk away from the negotiations table but should be made to  continue to stay the course. The more difficult phase is yet to come: when we start implementing the agreements. So it is not a walk in the part. But I can’t seem  to understand is why the Malaysian facilitators who are being credited for the breakthroughs in their previously signed agreements are nowhere to be found in this meeting.  Strange!

CRAZY TALK — I almost collapsed laughing upon knowing that there are groups now pushing for SIX MORE YEARS FOR P-NOY. They want an extension of his presidential  term for another 6 years. (Whaaaaat?) Gods, many  are now even counting his remaining days (about 650 or  more days)  and wishing tomorrow is his last day. To wish that he stays for another 6 years gives me goosepimples! It’s crazy talk!
EBOLA VIRUS — Let’s not assume that because Africa is too far and distant from us, the dreaded ebola virus will not threaten our shores. Since there is no cure yet for this, our DOLE and Health authorities must start educating everyone about this danger.
H-RIGHTS VICTIMS — I read  with interest  reports about the  poorly organized and disorderly manner by which  claims for    human rights violation compensation  were being done a few days ago here in Davao City.Many of those claimants are definitely senior citizens already or are already suffering  from some health issues.They need loving and tender care. We don’t want them to suffer a double jeopardy. They suffered enough already.

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