World Day for Consecrated Life
In 1997, Blessed Pope John Paul II declared February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, as World Day for Consecrated Life. Otherwise known as Candlemas, we commemorate this day the offering of Jesus in the Temple by Joseph and Mary. Simeon praised God for seeing the light of the world.
Those who consecrate their lives as priests, brothers and sisters present themselves to the Lord for the sake of the kingdom. Their parents and family too, offer their loved ones who respond to this call to religious life as Joseph and Mary did in the temple.
Today, all the baptized may pray for priests and religious brothers and sisters – young and aged, healthy and sickly, praised and rejected, assigned in the cities and in rural areas – that their witness may become a light for others. Second, all parish and GKK workers and volunteers may say a word or send a message to their priests and religious assuring them of the love and gratitude of the community despite their weaknesses. Third, educators and teachers may invite a religious to share their life story before students or at least mention an example in their class discussions.
May the Lord of the harvest send laborers to His vineyard!
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