Laity exhorted to study Theology in IIREF
The OLLP Vicariate School of Theology urged more lay leaders and interested lay people to join the lay formation offered by the Ignatian Institute for Religious Education Foundation. In reflection to this year’s Year of the Laity, learning theology formation through IIREF in VST is an appropriate venue to grow – a suitable way for lay leaders to be well-equipped as journey continues in various church services and activities.
The IIREF VST in OLLP Bangkal had already produced two batches of graduates, or at least 30 lay theologians, since it was introduced in 2010. IIREF had reached out to parishes like in Bangkal to develop more lay theologians to assist in respective parishes. Currently, OLLP has three students enrolled in Master of Arts in Theology in IIREF at the Holy Cross of Davao College.
IIREF in VST offers eight theology subjects to be complied for two years; or two subjects per semester. IIREF is free admission through the courtesy of Father William J. Malley, SJ, STD, who exerted effort to solicit scholarship from the poor people of Germany.
The eight theology subjects offered are Liturgy and Sacraments, Old Testament, New Testament, Christology, Ecclesiology, Trinity, Christian Morality, and Christian Stewardship. These subjects are taught at ten sessions each at three hours per session.
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