“Who am I to Judge?”

I read somewhere what our new “Santo Papa” said when asked about his views on the controversial issues on gay marriage and homosexuality. He simply shot back and said: “Who I am to judge?” This was a refreshing surprise to me. Intead of resorting to the usual deep theological discourse, he simply asked a question that puts all of us to sit up and take notice. This could be indicative of the beginnings of some paradigm shift in some of our church views and dogmas as we contend with the vagaries of our ever changing and complex world.

Pope Francis not only shifted everyone’s attention back to the poor. He is starting to revolutionize old traditional dogmas and practices. About time our Catholic faith situates itself amongst — and not in the peripheries — of the present-day faithful and the day-to-day realities facing us.

As we enter the new year and finding new milestones ahead, I suggest that the key buzz word that could guide us in doing things henceforth should be “inclusion”. Yes inclusiveness, not “exclusion”. In everything we do, privately or publicly, we should always be guided by this: how to be all- embracing that even in dealing with those who “don’t belong” and those with whom we disagree, we can still have comfort zones with them and consider them to be still part of the whole. There are differences, yes, because ours is not a perfect world. But what of that? And who are we to judge others?

Diversity in beliefs, ways, religion, culture, practices, relations, families, etc need not rip neighbors or peoples apart. There are commonalities and common grounds. Finding them, rather than focusing on those that make us different, is the best way of life.


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