Social Conscience Based on Shalom

This reflection, as previously stated, focuses on the concept of Shalom as a basis of forming a conscience that determines the morality of any activity in the peace building process. Briefly reviewing the concept of Shalom, we say that this word for Peace in the Hebrew language means wholeness, integrity, harmony and proportion. In the Arabic language it is Salam and means the same as a derivative of Shalom. And from Salam is derived another Arabic word, Islam, which means the Religion of Peace.

Both Christians and Islamists or Muslims then, if we go by the consistent meaning of the linguistic derivatives of Shalom, can say that our sense of right and wrong, which is what we mean by Conscience, is already properly formed and maturely developed when it dictates to us that an act, mental and/or behavioral, is morally right or wrong because it either promotes or not promote wholeness, integrity, harmony and proportion in the life of the individual and of the community or society.

From this reflection arise serious questions: how is the conscience of an individual Christian or Muslim properly formed? How can it develop maturely? Are these questions included in the character-building and capacity building seminars of peace advocates and peace builders? Does the promotion of the so-called culture of peace also include the formation and development of personal and social conscience?

Honestly I do not know the answers. All I know is the fact that most character and capacity building seminars given by peace advocates and educational institutions and NGO’s in support of peace advocacy and the culture of peace provide for the most part valuable INFORMATION and excellent SKILLS. This can be part of Peace Education which generally is the training of the mind and the intellect.

On the other hand FORMATION of conscience or Moral Education is the training of the heart aided by the intellect based on moral values which are values of the spirit or soul. How to strike a balance between Information and Formation is another question I find difficult to answer. Unfortunately I am not a formator.

Suggestions, recommendations or proposals from our readers on the Formation of social conscience of peacemakers/peace advocates based on Shalom are welcomed and appreciated. We in the Bishops-Ulama Conference and perhaps all Filipinos badly need this kind of formation.

Our country presently confronted by so much poverty, corruption and socio-political turmoils caused by illegal elections urgently calls all peace- loving and brave Filipinos – poor and rich, Christians and Muslims, religious and lay leaders – who, imbued with shalom-based social conscience, will question  the moral basis of the present administration and consequently work actively and fearlessly work for systemic regime change. For, poverty, corruption and fraudulent elections and other injustices are social disorders that militate against Shalom personified by Jesus Christ who is Our Peace according to St. Paul. (Ephesians 2:14).

Since formative seminars and teach-ins on the ground may sometimes be financially costly and security risky, social networking may be the only safe way at the moment. I hope and pray that Spirit of the Risen Lord will be our light and strength as we take part in the awakening of new social consciousness that gives birth to a new and peaceful nation.



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