Diocese of Mati Launches Vocation Month with the Ardent Desire to Strengthen the Vocation Ministry

With earnest hope that more and more will heed to the call of vocation, particularly in the religious life, the Diocese of Mati launched the Vocation Month and the 25th Anniversary of the Association of Religious in the Diocese of Mati (ARDM) on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019 through the Holy Eucharist at the San Nicolas de Tolentino Cathedral at 9:00 in the morning.

In his homily, the Mass Presider, Msgr. Carlos Baquial, Vicar General, thanked the religious men and women in their big contribution in propagating the Catholic faith.

“Let us also encourage the young to engage themselves in different activities. Along the way, they will see and feel the importance of vocation,” he said.

Rev. Fr. Raphy M. Armasa, the Diocesan Vocation Director, himself grateful for the gift of vocation, strongly urged the youth to listen to their calling and heed to the call.

He quoted Archbishop Romulo Valles’ call to the religious men and women to help in the propagation of vocation, because the Diocese of Mati needs more priests, and the need to encourage young men and women to take part in the vocation ministry.

“As your Vocation Director, let us all, especially the religious men and women, help promote vocation in our diocese. If we will be able to strengthen the vocation ministry and its task, you will get your share from the gift of vocation,” he emphasized.

He said that one should have the courage and determination to answer his calling.

On the same day, the Association of the Religious of the Diocese of Mati celebrated its 25th Anniversary.

Fr. Antonio Nombrefia, OSA, the association President, admitted that there is a continuous challenge for them to be an enormous part in the Diocese’s undertakings.

He stressed that being in one family, they are tasked to contribute and indulge in the endeavors of the Diocese to make the Church be felt by all.

To date, the Diocese is endowed with the gift of the different religious congregations.

These include the Carmelite Missionaries, Religious of the Virgin Mary RVM, Order of Saint Ursula, Order of St. Benedict, Order of Preachers, Order of St. Augustine, Living the Gospel Community, Ministers of the Infirm, Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception, Society of Divine Vocation, Diocesan Seminarian of Diocese of Mati, Salesians of Don Bosco, Teresian Daughters of Mary, Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, and Cathecists of St. Joseph.

Bp. Abel Apigo earlier expressed his desire to strengthen the vocation ministry, with his wish to have more addition to the Diocesan Clergy of Mati.

After the Mass, a parade followed, participated by the youth from the different parishes in the Diocese, traversing the main thoroughfares of the City of Mati. (Neela Duallo)

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