smile kid child

Consecrated Life: The power of smile

smile kid child

“A sign of holiness is from souls who radiate a positive and joyful spirit” – Pope Francis

We always hear this in 1 Peter 1:16 for it is written, “Be holy for the Father is holy”. But how can this holiness be concretely manifested in action?

I was also reminded of a priest presider during the Easter Vigil mass, he said: “If you truly believe that Jesus has risen from the tomb, please inform your face”. From that time onward, I looked at the mirror and glanced at my face especially when negative feelings were overwhelming. Mia Culpa! Admittedly, there were instances in my life that I fall short due to overwhelming responsibilities.

In this way, I was inspired to review my life based on the definition of Canon Law about consecrated life. It is “a stable form of living by which the faithful, following Christ more closely under the action of the Holy Spirit, are totally dedicated to God who is LOVE…” To simplify, it means consecrated life is to follow God in total dedication to love.

Nevertheless, it sounds so plain and simple invitation but quite challenging in today’s generation. How can we fully live in love and be joyful in life in this 21st century where material possessions and physical comfort are more important than spiritual values? …where technology advances have changed our humanity? …where scandals are just like an anime spreading in social media? …where people die of fear of violence and terrorism? …and where material possessions are more important than having friends or even family?

Even in these circumstances, I believe it is very important to be always connected to the Source of love so that we will not walk by sight but by faith. It means that allowing the self to be immersed in prayer, so that one will be able to see God’s perspective in all events of life. In constancy and consistency of finding God in all things, such religious experience be transformative; and hopefully be directed to one’s conversion of heart and concretely radiating joy in the mission.

In conclusion, a challenge to every consecrated person who vowed to follow and embrace Jesus’ words in the gospel of Matthew 5:13-16… “You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world”. So as God’s bearer of light and to give taste to the world, let us radiate the spirit of joy to heal and to mend the brokenness and the wounds of the people around us. So the next time we go out to the world, wear a complete attire with joy through the power of a SMILE. (S. Ma. Leah M. Zozobrado, RVM)

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